Month 2: £15.81
Angelica £6.38
Silent Ones £10.20
so slightly overspent, but will take that out of next months, so will have £14.33 next month.
To start off Month 2 I had a game against Stephen.
Strategy: Interference
Schemes: Convict Labour, Search the Ruins, Hunting Party, Exhaust their Forces and Frame for Murder.
Board: Flank Deployment.
I decided to use Colette, partly due to the fact I had just finished painting her, and also because I left all but her and Rasputina's cards at Martins...
I took:
Colette, Lady's Secret, Nothing up My Sleeve and Shell Game. +4SS
Cassandra, Smoke and Mirrors, and Recharge Soulstone (forgetting as Ressers there would be less living models dying).
Angelica, Imbued Energies (was planning to take Frame for Murder, with this upgrade, but in the end decided against it).
2 Corphyee
Mechanical Dove.
Molly, Take Back the Night, Forgotten Life, +4SS
Sebastian, Those are Not Ours
2 Rotten Belles.
Deployment, i flipped highest, and happy with my side of the board i chose the left corner to deploy in, going for two main groups, the Coryphee and Cassandra and then everything else.
Stephen had Mortimer out on one flank and then the rest fairly close together on the other.
Turn 1 was fairly uneventful due to the distance that we were apart, however one highlight was the summoned (reactivating) Punk Zombie, that appeared before Angelica, using Slice and Dice on her and her using Get off the Stage, to send him into base contact with the Scheme Marker that Mortimer had dropped about 20" away!
This was my hand I drew for turn 2...after stoning....
Turn 2 was a bit of carnage, with Molly summoning Punk Zombies next to Angelica, Cassandra and a Performer, there were a lot of damage being thrown about from Slice and Dice this coupled with Black Blood from a Rotten Belle? (due to the proximity of Molly with Forgotten Life) this meant everything was taking a lot of damage, the Performer died, giving Reactivate to Angelica, unfortunately I had hoped to pass it to Cassandra but she was an inch to far away. Angelica ended up on 1 wound, and Cassandra at this point had 2 left. The flank was looking dicey, and in the end I had to use Colette's Disappearing Act on Cassandra to get her out of harms way.
On the other flank Mortimer was bumped off with combined attacks from the Corphyee, who were later prompted to Dance Together to form the Duet. I had hoped to kill off one of the two Punk Zombies they were engaged with but due to Hard to Wound and Hard to Kill, they were both still standing. I was being out activated due to summoning, although this was somewhat lessened with the plethora of models with Companion or Accomplice in Stephen's crew.
If last hand was bad, this hand was worse! I kept the Black Joker, so this is what i drew, I ended up stoning for a single slightly higher card, (i think about a 10)!
If turn 2 was brutal, turn 3 didn't give much respite. Angelica died, which thankfully allowed me to draw 4 cards, giving me a slightly better hand, due to Imbued Protection.
The Corphyee duet managed to kill both Punk Zombies, which at this point were on 1 wound each I think.
I managed to make a mistake with Colette, using Disappearing Act on her to move her into contact with a Scheme Marker near the centre of the board, then dropped one to replace the one that was discarded, this was ideal for Search the Ruins, however I then moved her away, leaving her with no option for Now You See Me this proved to be almost fatal as she was reduced to a single wound with no options to reduce the damage, other than stones, which I was having to use on Cassandra for damage prevention. This isn't something I have had problems in the past, often being very cautious with her, so it came as a bit of a shock. I had thought about stoning for the mask for the Encore trigger to keep the Scheme Marker, but had felt the Artificial Soulstone would be better utilised for defensive triggers....the irony!
Stephen summoned in a Necrotic Machine next to Colette and Cassandra, trying a last gasp assassination attempt on both through Black Blood and its attacks, thankfully I was able to kill it and survive on 1 wound with each.
At the end of the game it was a victory to me 6-3 (3 for Search the Ruins, and 3 from Hunting Party). Stephen scored 1 from Interference and 2 from Convict Labour, his other scheme was Search the Ruins.
I was surprised to win, I ended the game in a bit of an all or nothing fashion, as time was against us, I knew it would be the last turn. I had 4 wounds on the table at the end of the game, with a single stone, the next turn would not have gone well....
A few points to consider:
1. Stephen had 9ss less than me, although we only realised this later.
2. Black Blood is only 1" range, not the 3" he was playing it as, I'm not sure how much of an effect this had, but it took at least 3-4 wounds from Cassandra.
3. Write battle reports sooner, I couldn't remember a lot whilst i was typing the post. I think i need to make notes, or write that evening.
4. Painted crews look awesome on a painted board. I will try to endeavour to only use painted models.
5. The crew wasn't the best choice for the scheme pool, if I had taken my cards I would have gone for a different option.
On the friday I got another game in, this time against Martin (McCabe) and I used Kaeris. I snuck a 8-6 victory, despite being behind until the last turn. I didn't take many photos, but here are a few of my newly painted Kaeris crew, which I'm really happy with.