Saturday, 23 April 2016

Tale of Malifaux Bloggers: Month 1 (continued)

So after the draw on Thursday, Martin and I set up a rematch for this afternoon. 50ss, Lucius vs Colette. He went for the same crew and upgrades, I opted for a few changes.

This time I had:

Colette (5 cache) Shell Game, Practiced Production and Nothing Up My Sleeve.
Cassandra, Smoke & Mirrors and Recharge Soulstone.
2 Performers.
2 Mannequins.
2 Corphyee.
1 Mechanical Dove.

We played Extraction (fighting over the Informant Miss Anne Thrope, again....)
Scheme Pool: Convict Labour, Covert Breakthrough, Frame for Murder, Hunting Party, and Show of Force.

This time I was very slow out of the blocks in terms of VP, at one point being about 6-0 down. The game was a blood bath, with Martin killing all bar Colette and a Performer, whilst I in turn left him with just the Peacekeeper left (which I still don't really have an answer for, the armour and high wounds are a big stumbling block).

The game ended with a 8-7 loss, I scored once through Extraction, and full VP's for both my schemes (Covert Breakthrough and Convict Labour). I came close to a draw but the Coryphee Duet were killed by the Peacekeeper with a Red Joker for attack cheat, and an Ignoring Armour trigger, killing them off.

This time I tried to learn from a few of the mistakes of the last game, the upgrades were tweaked, I got a lot out of Practiced Production, using it as a safety net to have a Scheme Marker close by for Now You See Me DF trigger.
I also tried to use the Performers Siren's Call to pull out targets for the rest of the force to pick off. It worked pretty well with Dashel, but as he killed one of the Performers, and I had to send the other up the field with Disappearing Act to try and score with Covert Breakthrough.

However I still made a few mistakes, managing with one misplaced walk action with Colette to stick a spanner in the works, and limit her effectiveness for the rest of the game. With the likes of Disappearing Act having a large range, but requiring line of sight, her utility is huge but still has its limit. Hopefully if I can iron daft mistakes like this one out, maybe I can even win a game!

As a slight aside, Martin and I started our day by visiting the ABZ store that opened today, going halvers we picked up the Two Player Starter Box. He had dibs on the Guild models, which look awesome, so I got the Neverborn.
The models are awesome, lovely sculpts (even the Scion of Black Blood, which from the pictures I had seen, wasn't my favourite. Holding the model it is really nice, although still a bit 2d. I feel hopefully with the Secret Weapon Sewer Bases we used, it will look like he is part of a Sacrificial Ritual taking part in the sewer itself). Building them was really straight forward, with the pieces being very self explanatory.
I'm not sure what I will do with them, they are Mercs so I can include them in any game. However I am currently bidding on some metal Neverborn that I could use, and I also have Zoraida waiting to be painted too.
Unfortunately I haven't time to start painting them, so no pictures, and sprayed black there wasn't much to photograph.

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