Thursday, 14 April 2016

Tale of Malifaux Bloggers - Month 0, Continued

So after much deliberation, I have finally settled upon my crew, deciding upon Colette. This was for a few reasons, touched upon in the earlier post.
I wanted to push myself, I'm currently using Ophelia as my main Gremlins master, with a shooting crew, I felt that the crew I had planned for Von Schill had quite a few similarities to this, and maybe more of the same. Not to say thats bad, as I'm very fond of them, but as a challenge, this wasn't exactly pushing myself!
Secondly I felt I would rather paint the showgirls with the elaborate dresses and hopefully some detail to the faces, which was absent with the masked Freikorp.

So with this in mind I have ordered Month 1's models, Colette's Smoke & Mirrors boxed set, and the Coryphee Duet (I also ordered Angelica to bring above the $60 for Wyrd's Incentive scheme, to hopefully get Miss Step).

With any luck I should have the crew for next week, as with a rather large model count (11 in total: Colette, Cassandra, 3 Mechanical Doves, 2 Performers, 2 Mannequins and 2 Coryphee), I may be hard pressed to paint them by the end of the month!

So with the order in, I can turn my attention to the next decision, which bases to go for?

Here are a few potentials:

Option 1: Micro Art Studios Old Factory

These look really cool, and I feel would work well in a larger Arcanist force, particularly with Ironsides or Ramos.

Option 2: Micro Art Studios Pipework

Another set that would work well as a generic set for Arcanists, although the space for models may not be ideal.

Option 3: Micro Art Studios Cobblestones

These look cool, I think Martin was thinking of using these or the Secret Weapon ones, so it may tie in, and we could then look at a cobblestone board at some point.

Option 4: Micro Art Studios Mosaic

Probably the easiest so far in terms of fitting models on, they look really cool painted like this, but may look unusual without the weathering. I think I would need to paint these separately, then add the models to them.

Option 5: Fenris Games Nags Tavern

Quite a generic look, and one that I've seen done a lot with Colette, fits with her theme, although these don't look too difficult to make myself, in fact I found a good Dr Faust's Painting Clinic video with a guide to it. I could then add some decoration that would fit with a theatre to jazz them up a bit.

So thats the options I've been looking at, there are some Secret Weapon bases too, their Asian Garden bases would fit in with our board somewhat, but I haven't seen them painted, so I'm not sure about them.
The idea of doing a cobblestone crew and then getting a mat or cobblestone set to make a board out of is tempting. Fenris Games do the Innsmouth streets which you can get in resin, 2 sets would be enough for a 3' board...

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